The Vétérinexpo is a trade fair that takes place in Belgium and is the preferred meeting place for the veterinary world in Belgium. It welcomes both veterinary practitioners and companies that manufacture and distribute veterinary products and equipment.
The 2022 edition took place at Ciney Expo on 2 and 3 April. It was the occasion to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the event. This edition also marked the return of AIP Medical SA to trade shows after more than two years of pandemic due to COVID-19.
AIP Medical took the opportunity to accompany Dr Michel Frère’s veterinary suture distribution company. This was the ideal moment to announce the takeover and transfer of Dr Michel Frère’s activities within the AIP Medical structure from 1 April 2022. After several months of negotiation and after 22 years of good collaboration between the two suture suppliers, the transfer was official.
This means that Dr Michel Frère’s sutures are now available from AIP Medical SA. AIP Medical SA is now in charge of distributing them to wholesale partners and veterinarians in Belgium and abroad to continue the collaboration that was started by Dr Frère. Thus, Michel Frère products are still available at Alcyon Benelux, Alcyon France, Alcyon Italy and also directly from AIP Medical SA.
AIP Medical also wishes to thank Dr. Michel Frère for his trust and to communicate to the wholesalers its desire to continue the collaboration in a win-win relationship.
AIP now invites all customers of Michel Frère sutures to contact them by telephone, by e-mail or via the contact form on our site for any questions about the products or for a possible purchase. It is also possible to place orders in Belgium through our sales representatives.